Divine Nine Fraternities PACs and C4s Call Out Disrespect toward Vice President Harris

July 25, 2024
The collective political action committees of the Divine Nine fraternities stand united in our displeasure and disgust with the disrespect that continues to be shown towards Vice President Kamala Harris by supporters aligned with the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. As Black men, husbands, and fathers we are tired of the racist and sexist treatment of Black women who dare exhibit leadership, courage, ambition, and competence. It is evident that there are those who believe Black men will remain silent when we see Black women denigrated.
We have already witnessed vulgar attacks on Vice President Harris simply because she is now the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States. We will not dignify these insults by repeating them. Those who engage in such slander need to know that organizations representing millions of Black men have taken note and will not tolerant such acts in silence.
Vice President Harris is an intelligent and competent professional, who has served in several of the most high-profile public service positions in the United States – Attorney General of the State of California, United States Senator representing California, and Vice President of the United States. She deserves and has earned respect. The attempt to marginalize her as a “DEI hire” is a racist act of cowardice and fear.
We will publicly call out individuals who choose to exhibit 1865 tendencies. We are calling upon the news media to expose these blatantly racist attacks upon Black women. During this campaign, we will monitor social media and call upon the members of our organizations to do likewise while reporting any instances when social media posts are racially hostile toward the Vice President. We are demanding that social media platforms, including X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, monitor their content and remove users who engage in racist rhetoric toward Vice President Harris and any other Black woman or woman of color.
Anyone who falsely thinks that Black men are not aware of this climate of racism and bigotry toward Black women needs to take heed. We also recognize that Vice President Harris is fully capable of defending herself but should not have to respond to such ignorance, sexism, and racism. The nation needs to know that Black men support Black women in leadership. In this critical and self-defining moment of our nation, we are clear on one thing. Any attempt to restore a racial hierarchy in the United States is not only a futile exercise but an explicit act of hostility that the Black community will not tolerate in 2024. Our political action committees and C4s understand what is at stake in this election and we intend to play an active role in setting the record straight. We have zero tolerance of ignorance, sexism, and racism displays now and in the future.
This statement is released under the auspices of the Alpha Political Action Committee, the Krimson Political Action Council, Omega Network for Action, SigmaPAC 1914, and the Brown and Gold PAC.